Partial Denture

























Flipper - Partial Denture


Finally! A Way You can Eliminate the Dentist and Save yourself Hundreds of Dollars by dealing Directly with the Dental Lab!

NeonBrite™ Online Orthodontics

PARTIAL DENTURE or PONTIC a.k.a. a "Flipper"

Flipper or Partial Denture

Watch the video on our new site to view making your own impressions! 

Flippers, or partial dentures, are mainly used in the interim during bridge work. Flippers are an excellent solution for making it appear that you're not missing a tooth!  Bridge work can be very expensive and take time...

Dental Bridges Costs

How much do dental bridges cost?

The average cost of a single fixed bridge depends on many factors, from which region you're in to how many and which type of bridges are needed. Typically dental bridge cost ranges from $500-900 per tooth. Dental insurance typically pays for about half of the cost of the bridge. This is a cost per tooth in the bridge, and doesn't include the costs for any anchoring crowns on either side of the bridge.

In the case of a Maryland type bridge, costs range from $250 to $550  for each attaching wing and $600 to $1200 for each false tooth or pontic.

Advantages of dental bridges:

Bridges are natural in appearance, and usually require only two visits to your dentist. If you maintain good oral hygiene, your fixed bridge should last as many as ten years or more.

Disadvantages of having a dental bridge:

It is common for your teeth to be mildly sensitive to extreme temperatures for a few weeks after the treatment. The build up of bacteria formed from food acids on your teeth and gums can become infected if proper oral hygiene is not followed.

Personal Stories: Dental Bridges

I turned forty last year, and have enjoyed playing softball since I was a kid. One drawback to the sport is the occasional hit from a ball. Several years ago I lost two teeth from such a mishap, and had worn a partial. I found the partial to be a bit embarrassing at my age, but my dentist had discussed no other option with me.

Frustrated that I was stuck with this thing for the rest of my life, I started doing some research, which was hard to come by. And when I did discover information on alternatives, I didn't understand it. As many of you who are now visiting this site already know, such matters are not easy to speak with family or friends about. After visiting this site, I soon understood that I had a few options to remedy the spaces in my mouth.

I located a Certified Cosmetic Dentist and discussed these options, including the fact that I wanted to avoid the more costly procedures, such as implants. His immediate solution was placing two bridges.

It only took two appointments over two weeks, and I had a terrific smile again. Chris, thanks for the site!

Jerry, New Hampshire


Here's how it works:

When you receive your kit, review the steps and instructions first. Then take out 1 set of the YELLOW & BLUE impression material (putty).


Mix the two pieces of putty together for 45 seconds to get one solid color (blue).


When your putty is one solid color, simply roll it and shape it like a finger.  Pick up your tray.


Put the finger shaped putty into the tray, making sure to cover all parts of the tray.


Take the tray and place it over the center of your upper or lower teeth (remember that this putty will harden in under two (2) minutes). Push the tray over your teeth. Hold for four (4) minutes, then remove.


 Send your impressions back to our dental lab using the pre-paid envelope that came with your kit. We make your mouthpiece (s) & send it back to you. As a member of the National Association of Dental Laboratories, you can rest assured knowing you're getting a quality custom made dental appliance!


Determining the color for your flipper?

When considering partial dentures a common question is how white the tooth should be. Usually, the answer is to whiten your natural teeth to either the level of whiteness you want or to the brightest they can be. Your cosmetic dentist will then have the dental bridge made to that color. Teeth are of course not monochromatic, so typically more than one color is used to create a very natural look. This color variation is critical in avoiding fake or artificial looking teeth. It is the internal contrast of colors that help create vitality. The internal play of light on the porcelain in the restoration helps to create this vitality. Surface texture is also very important, and helps to break up light reflections and make the dental bridge look more natural. Depending on the type of dental bridge you're considering, it's important that the crowns anchoring the bridge match both the dental bridge and the color of your natural teeth.

There is no one standard system in the dental field to measure and determine tooth color. The most often heard about, however, is the Vita shade guide. This guide divides tooth color into four basic shade ranges:

A (reddish brown)

B (reddish yellow)

C (gray)

D (reddish gray).

In the A range there are five levels of darkness. Ranges B, C and D, each have four levels.


Not all of your teeth are the same natural color. Usually your eye teeth tend to be darker than the others, your front teeth are typically the whitest, and molars tend to be a shade between the two. The goal for everyone is to achieve their individual optimum whiteness while still looking natural.

Most dentists will show you a shade chart (like the above mentioned Vita Shade Guide) for you to pick from. Keep in mind, with a good cosmetic dentist this is merely a starting point. Other considerations when determining the color of dental bridges for each patient are your complexion, hair color, the color of your natural teeth and even your eye color.


Dental Bridge Basics

A bridge created by a cosmetic dentist is completely metal-free. As a result, the bridge absorbs light, creating a natural looking smile. (Bridges made of porcelain fused to metal actually reflect light, creating an "unnatural" look for the tooth or teeth.)

Description of Procedure:

A dental bridge (or pontic) is a custom-made false tooth or teeth, that is permanently placed between two healthy teeth, filling in the area left by a missing tooth or teeth. The bridge is held in place by porcelain crowns placed on the healthy teeth on each side of space to be filled.  Flippers are used in-between visits to the dentist for the final bridge work.

Bridges reduce the risk of gum disease, limit the shifting of remaining teeth, help correct some bite problems and help improve speech.


How It's Done

The dentist will first administer an anesthetic to numb the area. Then, a minimal amount of tooth structure will be removed from the teeth on either side of the space to be filled by the new tooth or teeth. This material is removed to provide the needed space for the new crowns.

An impression of the area will be made. This impression will be sent to a dental laboratory, serving as a model from which the bridge will be created.

The patient will then be fitted with a temporary bridge. At the next visit, when the permanent bridge is ready, the temporary bridge will be removed. The new bridge will be fitted and adjusted for perfect fit and comfort. The new bridge will then be bonded to the teeth.


No advanced technology is necessary to create a bridge.

Recovery Expectations:

Both the preparation and placement of the temporary bridge as well as the bonding of the permanent bridge may cause some minor tenderness in the area. Ibuprofen can reduce the symptoms.


There are no known complications associated with the use of a bridge.

Am I a Candidate:

If you have a missing tooth or teeth, you are a candidate for a dental bridge (and a FLIPPER)  


The cost of a bridge depends on the number of units involved. Typically there is a fee per tooth, including the anchoring teeth on each side. For example, if a patient needed a three unit bridge (one missing tooth, two anchoring teeth), and the cost per tooth was $1,000, then the bridge cost would be $3,000. The cost per tooth depends on the lab fees, skill, training and location of the dentist.

Dental Lab Direct’s founder has been in the dental and orthodontic industry for 30+ years and has done dental lab work for over 800 dentists & orthodontists all over the United States.  His years of work & research for the dental/orthodontic community have yielded the finest process & products found in the market, which dentists and orthodontists today provide to their clients.  

We suggest whitening your natural teeth to the whitest shade possible before bridge work.

Dental Lab Direct™ Whitening Trays

Our Professional Tooth Whitening System consists of customized whitening trays (made of a thin flexible plastic to fit your teeth exclusively) and three (3) syringes of 22% tooth whitener Carbamide Peroxide tooth whitening-gel.  We construct the whitening trays from the impression trays and putty contained in our “kit”, that you make and ship back to our lab.


Upon receiving your Custom Professional Tooth Whitening Trays, a very small amount of tooth whitening gel from a pre-loaded gel-syringe are placed into them, and then placed over teeth.  The trays are worn for thirty minutes to an hour, depending on sensitivity.

Trays are worn for the first 5 days, then twice a week to maintain desired tooth whitening.  Compare ours versus the dentists versus the OTC (over the counter) type.  You’ll easily see the value of Neon Brite’s products and services.

The uses of Custom Professional Tooth Whitening trays are by far the most comfortable.  The trays are form fitted, not bulky like the type one boils.  They stay in place unlike whitening strips, can be worn anytime, not specifically at night and provide for a more even whitening of your teeth.

Our Tooth Whitening Gel is a 22% tooth whitener Carbamide Peroxide.  The boil, strip, & applicator type is only 3-4 % and must be worn much, much longer for the same desired effect.


Dental Lab Direct™ Invisible Retainers

 Dental Lab Direct™ announces that Invisible clear retainers are now available for individuals with concern over their teeth “crowding”.  These Invisible clear retainers are made of a thin, clear, durable plastic that snaps into place over the teeth and prevents teeth rotation & migration.  When using this transparent dental retainer, teeth and gums show through the plastic, unlike the “Hawley” retainer (metal wire & denture plastic).  When one smiles others are not able to see the dental retainer.  Mouth retainers with the wire across the front teeth are used mostly to keep teeth from shifting, but can also be used to move teeth. Dental night guards are worn at night to protect the teeth.

 Dental Lab Direct™’s invisible retainers do not move teeth; they simply keep teeth in their current position & eliminate further crowding.  By wearing these for just 15-30 minutes per day, it will prevent teeth from rotation or migration.  These clear retainers are made of the same materials that dentists use and manufactured by the same lab as well.

Watch the video on our new site to view making your own impressions! 

 Dental Lab Direct™ saves its customers hundreds of dollars by sending them a “Teeth Impression Kit” - for retainers, instead of another "TRIP TO THE DENTIST".  The cost of these clear retainers at a dental office ranges from $250 to $500 and usually includes a full examination.

Clear or Essix Retainers


Retainers After Braces

Purpose: The dental retainers are important to hold the teeth after braces are removed. New bone and supporting fibers of the teeth are being completed for the new tooth positions.

Time of Use: Mouth retainers are usually worn until eruption of the permanent teeth makes wearing a mouth retainer difficult. You will start with full time wear and phase slowly into night time wear as a dental night guard. Experiencing tightness when placing the retainers after leaving them out for a period of time is an indication of how often you need to wear the retainers.

Care: To keep your dental retainers fresh and clean, scrub them before putting them in their case. Use warm or cool water and soap. Hot water will warp the retainers. Limit the soaking time to 15 minutes if you choose to use Efferdent. We have found that over time Efferdent weakens the solder joints. Brushing with Listerine will decrease bacteria and give your retainer a fresh taste.

Adapting: Most people get used to mouth retainers within a day or two. At first there may be a new plastic taste and you may have extra saliva in your mouth. Reading aloud the first day will help your speech adapt. The habit of flipping a dental retainer in and out with your tongue will loosen the dental retainer and may break the wires and/or plastic.

Visits: Upon completion of early phase orthodontic treatment, you will be checked periodically with visits to the dentist. Bring the dental retainer to your visits. If the dental retainer does not fit or if there is any tissue soreness, call us for an appointment as soon as possible.

Breakage/Loss: The common habit of flipping the retainers in and out with your tongue will make it become loose and can introduce stresses in the plastic or wires which will result in breakage. 

Relapse: Failure to use dental retainers regularly may result in unfavorable tooth movement. If brought to your dentist's attention early it may be corrected with another retainer. If not caught early, retreatment with braces may be necessary.

Dental Lab Direct™ Night Guard

Dental Lab Direct™ announces the Custom Comfort NiteGard® is now available for individuals for bruxism treatment. Bruxism \‘brək˛si-zəm\ n [Gk brychein to gnash the teeth]: the habit of unconsciously gritting or grinding the teeth especially in situations of stress or during sleep.

The Custom Comfort Night Guard consists of a clear soft plastic that one wears to relieve tooth grinding and clenching when asleep. This night mouth guard fits comfortably over either the upper or lower teeth only. It is 3mm thick and will allow an individual to completely close their mouth while asleep, unlike other bruxism mouth guards. The night guard is made of exactly the same material dentists/orthodontist use to prepare their devices for patients with bruxism.

The cost of a nightguard prepared by a dentist/orthodontist will range from $250.00 to $600.00. It is smaller and much more comfortable than the “boil & bite” nightguard types found at the store, due simply because they are specifically customized to that particular individual.

Dental Lab Direct will save those individuals hundreds of dollars by providing them with the Custom Comfort Night Guard “Personal Impression Kit” for bruxism treatment. This kit will instruct exactly how to take one’s own teeth impression. The kit will also provide a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) to deliver it to the Neon Brite dental lab, which will be returned usually within a week. 



UNTIL RECENTLY, customized dental appliances were available to the public only through your dentist.  This was largely due to the level of skill in taking one’s teeth impression, the impression required to cast a mold and form customized tooth whitening trays.  Most dentists send teeth IMPRESSION  trays to dental labs to be cast and molded, & finally customized into form fitting trays delivered back to the patient a few days later.  Typically, the cost for upper & lower whitening trays range between $300.00 and $800.00!

Today, with the advent of NeonBrite’s Personal Impression Kit, it’s possible to take one’s own teeth impression with detailed step by step photo instructions, usually taking less than five minutes for both the upper and lower teeth.  Our kit along with your impressions are then sent via a Postage Paid Envelope to our lab…the same lab local dentists use, yet costing 60-90% less by “skipping” the dentist…eliminating the need for a D.D.S. to fit a professional dental mouthpiece.